230919 Find first set bit
【题意】:二进制上第一个 1 的下标。从右往左
- Time Complexity: O(log N).
- Auxiliary Space: O(1).
* @param {Number} n
* @returns {Number}
class Solution {
//Function to find position of first set bit in the given number.
getFirstSetBit(n) {
const binary = n.toString(2)
const index = binary.lastIndexOf('1')
return index === -1? 0 : binary.length - index
// 或
let index = 0
while (n !== 0) {
if (n & 1 === 1) {
return index
n >>>= 1
return 0
class Solution:
def getFirstSetBit(self,n):
b = bin(n)[2:]
ans = 0
for i in b[::-1]:
ans += 1
if i == '1':
return ans
return 0
class Solution:
def getFirstSetBit(self,n):
return 0
#doing AND operation of n and -n. n and -n will have similar
#bits only till the first set bit starting from the right
#and different bits after the first set bit.Then we take
#log2 of the result to find the position.
#we add 1 to obtained value so that count starts from 1 instead of 0.
return math.ceil(math.log2(n&-n)+1)