230728 Lowest Common Ancestor in a BST
【题意】: 最近公共祖先节点
- Time Complexity: O(Height of the BST).
- Auxiliary Space: O(Height of the BST).
简单解法: 先存储每个节点的父节点。然后求出 n1 节点的祖先列表,再从 n2 节点往上遍历,判断该节点是否在 n1 的祖先列表中。
递归解法: 一个节点,问两个子节点,看看 n1 和 n2 是否在他们身上。如果两个子节点都说在,那么 该节点就是 LCA,如果只有一个节点在,那么说明 n1 n2 就在该子节点上,直接返回。
【geeks 快捷键】: ctrl+shift+alt+箭头 ctrl+alt+箭头
【注意】: == 写成 =
【我的 - 递归解法】:
def LCA(root, n1, n2):
# 就近返回。
if root is None or root.data == n1 or root.data == n2:
return root
left = LCA(root.left, n1, n2)
right = LCA(root.right, n1, n2)
# 都不为空,则说明 n1 n2 在 root 节点上分叉了
if left is not None and right is not None:
return root
# 一个为空,一个不为空,说明 n1 n2 都在某一子节点上
return left if left is not None else right
【我的 - 简单解法】:
def LCA(root, n1, n2):
queue = [root]
curr_end = root
next_end = None
fathermap = {}
fathermap[root] = None
while len(queue) != 0:
cur = queue.pop(0)
if n1 == cur.data:
n1 = cur
if n2 == cur.data:
n2 = cur
if cur.left is not None:
fathermap[cur.left] = cur
next_end = cur.left
if cur.right is not None:
fathermap[cur.right] = cur
next_end = cur.right
if cur is curr_end:
curr_end = next_end
n1ance = set()
while n1 is not None:
n1 = fathermap[n1]
while n2 is not None:
if n2 in n1ance:
return n2
n2 = fathermap[n2]
return root