230723 Given a linked list of 0s, 1s and 2s, sort it.
- 【题意】 链表拆分与重组
- 【要求】
- Time Complexity O(N)
- Auxiliary Space O(N)
- 【Constraints】
- 0 <= N <=
- 0 <= N <=
看了评论区,发现一些其他解法。比如两次遍历,第一次只存储 0,1,2 各自的次数,第二次依次赋值。
Python3 代码
【评论区 - 两次遍历】:
class Solution:
#Function to sort a linked list of 0s, 1s and 2s.
def segregate(self, head):
cur = head
temp = [0, 0, 0]
while cur is not None:
temp[cur.data] += 1
cur = cur.next
cur = head
for data, num in enumerate(temp):
while num > 0:
cur.data = data
cur = cur.next
num -= 1
return head
class Solution:
#Function to sort a linked list of 0s, 1s and 2s.
def segregate(self, head):
zero_head, zero_tail = None, None
one_head, one_tail = None, None
two_head, two_tail = None, None
while head is not None:
if head.data == 0:
if zero_head is not None:
zero_tail.next = head
zero_tail = zero_tail.next
zero_tail = head
zero_head = head
elif head.data == 1:
if one_head is not None:
one_tail.next = head
one_tail = one_tail.next
one_tail = head
one_head = head
if two_head is not None:
two_tail.next = head
two_tail = two_tail.next
two_tail = head
two_head = head
head = head.next
if zero_tail is not None:
zero_tail.next = one_head if one_head is not None else two_head
if one_tail is not None:
one_tail.next = two_head
if two_tail is not None:
two_tail.next = None
return zero_head if zero_head is not None else ( one_head if one_head is not None else two_head )