230812 Longest Increasing Subsequence
【题意】:最长递增子序列 LIS
【 Excepted 】:
- Time Complexity : O( N*log(N) )
- Auxiliary Space: O(N)
又是 90 分钟……
【暴力递归,超时 10/1120】
class Solution:
#Function to find length of longest increasing subsequence.
def longestSubsequence(self, nums, n):
maxLen = [0]
def dfs(p, tail, curMaxLen):
if p == n:
maxLen[0] = max(maxLen[0], curMaxLen)
dfs(p+1, tail, curMaxLen)
if tail < 0 or nums[tail] < nums[p]:
dfs(p+1, p, curMaxLen+1)
dfs(0, -1, 0)
return maxLen[0]
【优化 562/1120】
class Solution:
#Function to find length of longest increasing subsequence.
def longestSubsequence(self, nums, n):
dp = [1] * n
for i in range(n):
for j in range(i):
if nums[j] < nums[i]:
dp[i] = max(dp[i], 1 + dp[j])
return max(dp)
【优化查找 - 二分查找 ✔️】
class Solution:
#Function to find length of longest increasing subsequence.
def longestSubsequence(self, A, size):
tailTable = []
for a in A:
lo, hi = 0, len(tailTable)
while lo < hi:
mid = (lo + hi) // 2
if tailTable[mid] < a: # 这个是有顺序要求的。如果先判断 hi 的情况,则是 bisect_right
lo = mid + 1
hi = mid
# 上面代码等同 lo = bisect.bisect_left(tailTable, a)
if lo == len(tailTable):
tailTable[lo] = a
return len(tailTable)
我的超时代码(TC: 2^N),均为 10/1120
class Solution:
#Function to find length of longest increasing subsequence.
def longestSubsequence(self,a,n):
if n < 1:
return 0
def dfs(prev, curr):
if curr == n:
return 0
if prev == -1 or a[prev] < a[curr]:
return max(
dfs(prev, curr+1),
1 + dfs(curr, curr+1)
return dfs(prev, curr+1)
return dfs(-1, 0)
class Solution:
def recursive(self, a, n, i, maxValue, maxLen):
if i == n:
return maxLen
if a[i] > maxValue:
return max(
self.recursive(a, n, i+1, maxValue, maxLen),
self.recursive(a, n, i+1, a[i], maxLen + 1)
return self.recursive(a, n, i+1, maxValue, maxLen)
#Function to find length of longest increasing subsequence.
def longestSubsequence(self,a,n):
if n < 1:
return 0
return self.recursive(a, n, 0, -1, 0)
class Solution:
def recursive(self, a, n, i, minValue):
if i < 0:
return 0
if a[i] >= minValue:
return self.recursive(a, n, i-1, minValue)
return max(
self.recursive(a, n, i-1, minValue),
1 + self.recursive(a, n, i-1, a[i]),
#Function to find length of longest increasing subsequence.
def longestSubsequence(self,a,n):
if n < 1:
return 0
return self.recursive(a, n, n-1, float('inf'))